2024 winners and shortlist

Congratulations to our highly commended staff, finalists, and winners in the Vice-Chancellor's Awards 2024.

Academic Staff Member of the Year

Dr Xini Hu

Dr Xini Hu

Xini is committed to delivering excellence in teaching, prioritising student learning above all else. She invests countless hours in designing engaging and interactive lessons to support diverse learning styles, and creates a supportive and inclusive teaching environment where students feel safe to voice their opinions. And her one-to-one drop-in sessions ensure the success of every student under her guidance.

Laura Eccott

Laura Eccott

Laura truly excels as a Module Leader for several postgraduate Physiotherapy modules, consistently striving to improve the student experience by increasing support and developing clinically relevant modules and short courses, which also ensures that Herts’ reputation in the field is maintained. Her professionalism and dependability inspires others in the team, creating a genuine culture of respect.

Dr Camille Pommel

Dr Camille Pommel

Camille’s innovative teaching methods, like analysing current events through a constitutional lens, allows students to understand the relevance of what they are studying and acquire the important skill of critical thinking. She provides invaluable mentorship to junior colleagues, guiding them through higher education complexities, and fosters a culture of academic integrity through workshops and training for both students and staff.

Business Impact Award

Neal Geach

Neal Geach

Neal has expertly led the transition from the cumbersome and manual system for processing assessment and examination marks to a more efficient system that will save hundreds of hours of work for academic and professional staff. His technical expertise, as well as his diplomacy and collaborative approach, meant the roll-out was smooth and error-free.

Ross Holdway

Ross Holdway

Ross led the development of a new mapping system for the University, replacing an inadequate third-party solution. This in-house solution allows real-time updates and amendments to reflect our rapidly changing campuses, saving tens of thousands of pounds. Ross's leadership ensured timely delivery for the 2023 academic year, improving student and staff experience with state-of-the-art technology and innovation.

Ally Partington

Ally Partington

In response to challenges in the sector, Ally has become an expert in selecting and recruiting nursing homes to ensure our students have access to quality pre-reg nursing community placements. Her efforts have secured placement opportunities for students in Adult, Mental Health, and Learning Disability fields, as well as Occupational Therapy and possibly Physiotherapy in the future.

Community Contribution Award

Zaherah Saghir

Zaherah Saghir

As well as being an outstanding teacher, Zaherah is known for her dedication to community outreach and equality issues. She has initiated a range of external collaborations to enhance the student experience, including the launch of a debate club and Streetlaw workshops with a local prison, and a partnership with a St Albans charity which sees students providing literacy and practical support to the charity’s service users.

Café Rore Team

The Café Rore Team

The Café Rore team interact with hundreds of staff, students and visitors each day, providing an opportunity for connection through their warmth, friendliness and positivity. They go out of their way to make people’s day better, by giving a welcoming greeting, remembering a name, or through a moment of patience or compassion. And, they make great coffee too!

Jessica Money

Jessica Money

As Environment and Sustainability Engagement Coordinator Jess leads on initiatives that inspire, inform, and change attitudes, sparking a broader conversation on sustainability. Her inclusive and proactive approach has grown a community of over 80 student advocates and 70 staff network members, who collaborate and contribute to making our campus and community a more sustainable place to work, study and live.

Diversity and Inclusion Award

Evans Bhobho

Evans Bhobho

Evans demonstrates an unwavering commitment to furthering an inclusive and diverse environment here at Herts, and he quietly and confidently builds energy amongst others to accompany him on his mission to create race equity. From his work on the Race Equality Charter Mark Self-Assessment to helping create the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Student Advocates and countless other initiatives, his impact across the University cannot be underestimated.

Sarah Austin

Sarah Austin

Sarah demonstrates both professional commitment and personal dedication to advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) objectives. As chair of the EDI Team within Marketing Communications, she has transformed it into an inclusive discussion group accessible to all colleagues. Her proactive and non-judgemental approach fosters an environment where every suggestion is valued, and she keeps EDI at the forefront of everyone's agenda.

Dr Suzanne Culshaw

Dr Suzanne Culshaw

Suzanne ensures a safe and inclusive environment by sensitively introducing arts-based reflective activities which accommodate individual needs. She emphasises the importance of valuing diversity in work patterns, caring responsibilities, language, and career stage, advocating for inclusive discussions during team meetings. And her compassion and respect for others make her a true champion for diversity and inclusion.

Living the Values

Dr William Bainbridge

Dr William Bainbridge

William personifies our 'FACES' values through his exceptional work as a teacher, colleague, and Co-Programme Lead. He demonstrates entrepreneurship by leading initiatives such as the prestigious Royal Historical Society visit; he collaborates with colleagues across Herts to raise the profile of the subject; and takes pride in delivering fascinating lectures, seminars and workshops, with meticulous feedback to help students take their work to the next level.

Jo Eaton

Jo Eaton

Jo exemplifies our values in every aspect of her role as Career Development Manager. From developing and delivering new student-focused initiatives and targeted support for key groups, to launching a new mentoring scheme, empowering our students to excel is her priority. She’s also an active member of the wider Herts community, consistently supporting key University events, sharing best practice, and championing equality.

Kusum Kapur

Kusum Kapur

Kusum is a respected member of the Adult Nursing team who embodies collegiality and student focus. She’s always willing to step in, sometimes at short notice, to deliver engaging and effective teaching sessions and she works tirelessly to ensure a seamless student experience. In every situation, she serves as an exemplary ambassador for the University and our values.

Manager of the Year

Messiah Odinma

Messiah Odinma

The wellbeing of Messiah’s team is always his top priority, ensuring that everyone feels welcome to approach him with any issues or ideas. His team describe him as an empathetic, authentic and inspirational manager, with a clear direction and a consultative approach to managing and discussing change. As one colleague says, “he is not just a manager, he is a leader”.

Helen Goddard

Helen Goddard

Helen has been instrumental in the transformation of the Technical Services Group (TSG) team, creating an environment “where work feels like a second home”. Their firm yet compassionate approach creates a culture of excellence within the team, recognising the importance of individual contributions. And they maintain an open-door policy, providing both professional and personal support to their team.

Vicky Pateman

Vicky Pateman

As a manager, Vicky has the ability to recognise strengths, build confidence and competence, and empower people. She effectively communicates goals and promotes clarity and direction within the team, and her collaborative approach promotes inclusivity and teamwork. She provides guidance and mentorship to her team, helping them grow both personally and professionally.

Professional Staff Member of the Year

Jessica Baird

Jessica Baird

Jessica’s openness, approachability, and willingness to share learning creates a genuinely positive working environment. She goes out of her way to support her colleagues to be their best selves at work, encouraging their creativity by acting as an inspiration through her own work and the impact she makes within the local community.

Jamie Adams

Jamie Adams

Jamie demonstrates a keen attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality results in all procurement-related tasks, from travel bookings to requisition processing. His innovative approach to problem-solving has streamlined our procurement processes, and his positivity, supportive nature, and genuine commitment to Herts make him a real asset to the University.

Chris Gibbs

Chris Gibbs

Chris provides outstanding research finance support for multiple Schools, going above and beyond for every one of them. It is not just his methodical approach and expert financial acumen that is recognised by his colleagues, but his dedication, professionalism, and patience that is appreciated, with one commenting “I’m pretty sure parts of the University would actually crumble if he weren’t here!”.

Sarah Grybowicz

Sarah Grybowicz

Sarah exemplifies professionalism, excellence, and innovation in every aspect of her work. Her commitment to delivering high-quality results is truly commendable, and she actively ensures that everyone feels valued and heard, creating a truly inclusive environment. Her collaborative spirit and willingness to lend a helping hand make her an invaluable asset to the team.

Researcher of the Year

Professor Ian Johnston

Professor Ian Johnston

During his twenty-year career, Ian has striven to drive microfluidics and biodetection research in SPECS towards world-leading recognition, and it is under his leadership that his team was awarded a £13.5 million research grant. However, his leadership extends beyond the technical - ensuring that his colleagues feel valued and supported in their own professional aspirations.

Dr Chamu Kuppuswamy

Dr Chamu Kuppuswamy

Chamu demonstrates unwavering dedication to her role of Research Theme Champion for Global Economy, actively fostering collaborations to advance topical research projects, notably focusing on Zero Carbon cities and technological land registration in Nigeria. Her commitment extends to involving professionals and academics from Nigeria and Malaysia, highlighting her ability to unite diverse expertise toward shared objectives.

Dr Derek Ong

Dr Derek Ong

Derek's genuine support, encouragement and boundless enthusiasm infuses the School’s research environment with a sense of joy and camaraderie, even in the face of challenges. His dedication to professional development ensures that all team members have access to the resources needed to excel in their research pursuits. As one colleague wrote, “Derek's support is the bedrock upon which our research endeavours flourish.”

Student Experience Award

Avionne Jones

Avionne Jones

In her role as Customer Service Adviser at Uno, Avionne manages the administration of lost property with diligence. She goes the extra mile to reunite as many lost items with their owners as possible; contacting Student Services to identify students, and arranging for items to be returned on shuttle buses to ensure students don't miss important lectures. These are the small details that really make an impact to our commuting students’ lives.

Kirstie Broadbent

Kirstie Broadbent

Kirstie creates an engaging learning environment through the use of interactive games and real-life scenarios, and she goes above and beyond to support her students with extensive Canvas materials, enhanced drop-in sessions, and regular wellbeing check-ins for struggling students. She actively engages students in extra-curricular activities to ensure our graduates are ready for working in industry.

Libby Freeman

Libby Freeman

Libby spearheaded the ‘auto-enrol’ project, which successfully enrolled over 15,000 students into their relevant academic societies this academic year, enhancing their academic learning through communities and activities such as guest speaker panels, conference trips, and School-related games. These experiences empowered students to form friendships, build confidence, and create communities.

Teaching Staff Member of the Year

Carolyn Hill

Carolyn Hill

Carolyn fosters a learning environment that cultivates curiosity and growth. Her engaging approach incorporates creative and interactive ideas and examples, simplifying complex concepts and captivating students. She empowers students to think critically and apply their knowledge effectively, and always provides tailored feedback and extra assistance to ensure that all students thrive.

Dr J Davies

Dr J Davies

Described by his students as a “superhero without a cape”, Davies’ makes the learning process accessible for all - accommodating diverse learning styles, illustrating ideas with examples, inviting participation, and encouraging critical thinking. And the fact that he takes time to learn each of his students’ names, means they feel valued and respected.

Dr Kim Walden

Dr Kim Walden

Kim creates a welcoming space for diverse perspectives, always encouraging out-of-the-box thinking. She empowers students to be confident in their abilities, offering reassurance and encouragement to strive for excellence. She ensures her classes foster inclusivity and kindness, and readily assists any student in need despite her busy schedule, making her students feel seen, understood and supported.

Team of the Year

Community Events Team

Community Events Team

Despite having just three team members, the Community Events Team have organised over 350 events this academic year, earning high praise from students. Despite working long hours and finding ways to satisfy last minute requests, the team always maintain a professional approach and a positive attitude as they prioritise enhancing the student experience. Their pace and energy are a real inspiration.

Student Enquiries

Student Enquiries and Enrolment Team

The Student Enquiries and Enrolment Team are the University’s frontline, dealing with hundreds of queries every day. They pride themselves on being friendly, patient, and flexible to ensure that every interaction is a positive one. And they have fostered a culture of teamwork, where everyone feels able to contribute their own ideas, creating a supportive and innovative culture within the office.

Workplace Wellbeing Team

Workplace Safety, Health, and Wellbeing Team

The Workplace Safety, Health, and Wellbeing Team continually strive to maintain exceptionally high standards of practice by actively seeking feedback and addressing areas for improvement. They engage and share their expertise with colleagues at all levels right across the University, while also focusing on building strong relationships within the team to create a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Technical Staff Member of the Year

George Sharp

George Sharp

George’s commitment to supporting our undergraduate students means he is always looking for ways to broaden his own knowledge - like taking a Maths course in his own time to better understand Kinetics and Thermodynamics theories so he could explain it more clearly to students. Willing to take on any new challenge, he is a truly exceptional team member.

Julia Hodgkinson

Julia Hodgkinson

Julia’s approachability, proactivity and creativity makes her a truly exceptional member of the technical team in Education. She maintains an open-door policy, actively encouraging students to approach her for support; she is aware of module patterns and so stays ahead of resource needs; and she can always be relied upon for creative solutions to any challenges she’s presented with.

Marios Konstantinidis

Marios Konstantinidis

In providing strong technical support to both postgraduate research students and research staff, Marios makes an important contribution to supporting the School’s research outputs. He is held in high regard by everyone he works with for his dependability and collegiality, and he goes above and beyond to help staff and students feel welcome.